(949) 981-2499 [email protected]

Remote Assistance w/ Phone Support

$100/hour (1 Hour Minimum.)

If we determine that your issue cannot be resolved remotely, you will not be billed.

Call (949) 981-2499 To Start Now


Use this form when prompted:

After Requesting Assistance, Please See Instructions Below:

Name (Required):
Email (Required):


Once you Request Remote Assistance above a file will begin downloading to your computer.

-Windows Users will receive ‘Support-LogMeInRescue.exe’

-Mac Users will receive ‘LMIRescue.pkg.zip’

This program must be Run in order to establish a connection between computers. If you are not presented with an option to Run the program, simply locating it on your computer and double-clicking the icon should initiate the connection.

This is typically a painless process, but if you have any trouble, please call (949) 981-2499 or email us at [email protected]